total breakdown ensues. more strange audio, this time my new homebuilt synthesizer, the ‘knoisebox’ is the major player. music also from aftertouch (care of the podsafe music network) and wesley willis.
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the heard world podcast
total breakdown ensues. more strange audio, this time my new homebuilt synthesizer, the ‘knoisebox’ is the major player. music also from aftertouch (care of the podsafe music network) and wesley willis.
Thanks for playing Mr Sunshine! and for your kind words – and no – I wasn’t insulted. :-) Nice sound experimentation, btw.
you’re very welcome – I’ll be playing more of aftertouch in the future.
Thank you for using the WFNX phrase “true alternative” bookended inside twenty minutes of grating 555 oscillation.
I’d like to help make noise making devices someday if you have other devices in mind.
“It’s what you making, not what you’re selling”.
rip wesley.