the heard world 37: aleatory and creatures

i’m sorry i have been mostly absent from your lives. things are very busy at the heard world headquarters, and we are short staffed due to a scheduling mishap involving an unfortunate amount of staff members taking their summer vacations. i have personally scrapped together this show for your enjoyment which includes rambling through a […]

the heard world 35: a depressing conversation

covert bar recording at great scott in allston covering it’s friday night, “the pill”. britpop abounds as i try my hardest to record a hipster with a faux british accent. coincidentally there was a little camera crew there as well interviewing patrons and getting some of their best stories from the weekly happening that’s in […]

the heard world 34

this show is about my cd dropping experience. it features a malformed english accent, some stupendous quality rambling, a lot of noise (as usual) and a brief but special message from a circuit bent talk ‘n’ learn alphabet toy. sorry it’s been such a long time that i’ve had a show. i’m still building up […]